10 Travel Sleep Hacks to Try Now

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Sleep. So precious. Yet, sometimes, so elusive. I’ve become an adult Goldilocks when it comes to sleep. Everything has to be just right. However, even when I’m at home and all conditions are perfect, sometimes I have trouble sleeping. When I travel, this problem can become magnified. Over the years, I’ve found some sleeping tips that usually help:

1)      If your travel takes you to a new time zone, try to adjust to that zone as quickly as possible. If it’s your bedtime at home when you arrive, but too early to go to sleep, take a walk to explore your new surroundings or do something active. If it is later in your new city than it is in your home, try to wind down as soon as you can using some of my other tips.

2)      Pack a white noise machine or ear plugs. The LectroFan (my favorite for travel is the micro) is amazing. There are multiple sounds that will help you drift off to sleep (my personal fave is the loudest box fan setting), and as a bonus, these noises drown out a lot of hotel noises that may wake you from your slumber before you are ready.

3)      Bring your blanket and pillow. For those of you who aren’t traveling far (or plan on packing a lot!), bring your favorite pillow and blanket. Having some familiar items can help you feel at home.  

4)      Use a sleep mask. I love my black satin sleep mask. I wear it at home and when I travel to help keep out light. These are also wonderful on a plane.

5)      Use Lavender essential oil. Put a few drops on your pillow or mix it with a carrier oil or lotion. Lavender has a soothing scent. My daughter often asks for it when she has trouble sleeping or feels anxious.

6)      Take a bath or shower. There is something comforting to me about being clean and getting into clean sheets before going to bed.

7)      Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and screens too close to bedtime. All can inhibit sleep.

8)      Hydrate with good old H2O. But not too close to bedtime or you might spend most of your night making trips to the bathroom!

9)      Take melatonin. This often helps many people with occasional sleeplessness. (Disclaimer: check with a doctor before taking any supplements.)

10)   Meditate/Pray/Read. By clearing your mind and focusing on something other than yourself, you’ll set the right tone for sleep.

I hope these tips help you have Sweet Dreams!

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